
It is often said that you can’t schedule a breakthrough, yet DiExSys has a history of delivering breakthrough solutions for our clients. DiExSys has the experience, drive and expertise to create transportation solutions that are both innovative and practical.

Our Breakthrough Innovations Working in Concert with Our Talented Clients

Concept and analytical framework for Level of Service of Safety (LOSS) now used nationwide and incorporated into HSM.

Pattern recognition and direct diagnostics methodology to assess the nature of safety problems, now used nationwide and incorporated into HSM. 

Framework and methodology for data-driven Safety Assessment for project scoping, including Resurfacing and Reconstruction, Corridor Studies, Widening and Realignment, ITS, Environmental Assessments, and Environmental Impact Statements.

Concept and the Analytical Framework for the First CDOT Lane Closure Strategy (When should lane closures be allowed?), and its implementation, first in the Denver-Metro Area, and then statewide.

Highway Safety Manual (HSM) Compliant Vision Zero Suite Safety Management System.

Facility-specific Decision Trees for TSM&O Evaluations and interactive user interfaces for operational assessments.

Methodology for Explicit Consideration of Safety in the Transportation Planning Process.

Safety-based Variable Speed Limit (VSL) algorithm, presently in the implementation phase in Colorado.

“As a result of DiExSys’ insight and innovative approach, CDOT saved millions in consulting fees and hundreds of millions in construction costs.”

        – Zane Znamenacek, Region 3 Traffic Engineer


Colorado has achieved the largest reduction in fatal crashes in the US following full implementation of the methodology developed by DiExSys principals, as illustrated to the right.

TRB Transportation Research Record 2318, “Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program” by Kun-Feng Wu, Scott C. Himes, and Martin T. Pietrucha.